Three little kids showing of their----- during Asian American Pacific Islander Month.
Kids Painting


The Museum’s arts and cultural programming expose children to the magic of the arts and the world around them.Performing and visual arts play an important role in children’s development of motor skills, language development, decision making, visual learning,inventiveness, and cultural awareness. Through our performing and visual arts programming, Miami Children’s Museum becomes the first experience children have with arts and culture. Our arts and culture programming includes:

·        Hands-on Art Activities

·        Art Studio drop-in workshops

·        Glass Lab

·        Theater Performances of original and adapted short plays and musicals  

·        Art Activity and Theater Performance Outreaches

·        Black History Month

·        Women’s History Month

·        Literacy Celebration

·        Asian Pacific American Month

·        Hispanic Heritage Month

·        Native American Heritage Month

·        Autism Acceptance Month

·        Rainbow Families Month, our LGTBQ+ initiative

·        Season of the Arts

A little boy sitting in front of a wall of bubble mirrors playing with an activity cube

Mini Monday
