Before purchasing tickets, kindly take a moment to carefully read our terms and conditions that protect you, your family, and our team members. Miami Children’s Museum understands that the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency is ongoing and ever-changing. As such, we reserve the right to modify our health and safety protocols without advance notice.
In accordance with current CDC and Miami Dade county guidelines, masks are optional for visitors and staff at the Museum starting March 12th, 2022. We support individual choice regarding masks and ask for respectful engagement with others while enjoying a day of play at the Museum. We will continue to follow all health and safety guidelines from the County and CDC.
By purchasing tickets, you acknowledge and agree to the above conditions and the following waiver: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space (indoors and outdoors) where people are present. When visiting Miami Children’s Museum, you and your group do so at your own risk.
Please contact our visitor experience office with any questions at 305-373-5437 or watch our video above detailing new safety protocols and procedures.