
Traveling Exhibits

Miami Children’s Museum has designed and fabricated its own traveling exhibits that tour different children’s museums and cultural institutions throughout the country and internationally.‍

With many exciting upcoming projects on their way, Miami Children’s Museum is pleased to share the following exhibit rental opportunities:

Winter Wonderland

Miami Children’s Museum’s “Winter Wonderland” exhibit debuted in Winter 2022 and has been a fan-favorite for two years straight. The featured gem of this exhibit is its indoor “sock skating” rink, where families can glide and twirl while learning about the characteristics and qualities of snow! Definitely a crowd-pleaser for warmer-weather friends, this installation is guaranteed to bring holiday cheer to your Museum. 

Now Available

For information or to reserve, please contact Taylor Ross at 305.373.KIDS (5437) ext. 113 or exhibitsales@miamichildrensmuseum.org.

Click Here for Exhibit Guide

A little boy lays on the crane component of The Lion Guard pretending to fly.

Roar & Explore with Dinosaurs

After the great success of its last Prehistoric presentation, “Dino Island”, Miami Children’s Museum is happy to announce the launch of our latest rental opportunity: “Roar and Explore with Dinosaurs”. The rental includes seven breathtaking animatronic dinosaurs with lifelike movements and sounds as well as a velociraptor nest and baby dinosaur puppet to engage your youngest visitors. The rental package also includes a fossil dig pit where guests can unearth their own prehistoric treasures as well as a dino skeleton building activity and a species identifying interactive. Children are sure to be captivated while learning all about these fascinating creatures.

Available Beginning January 2025

For information or to reserve, please contact Taylor Ross at 305.373.KIDS (5437) ext. 113 or exhibitsales@miamichildrensmuseum.org.

Click Here for Rental Guide

Learn More
Take care with peanuts the exhibit

Take Care with Peanuts: The Exhibit

Based on the beloved Peanuts “Take Care” initiative,  Miami Children’s Museum new traveling licensed exhibit teaches children how to take care of themselves, each other, and the Earth. Miami Children’s Museum is proud to collaborate with Peanuts to bring Snoopy and friends to your Museum.

FALL 2025

Chicago Children's Museum

On View 9/13/25 - 1/4/26


Kansas Children's Discovery Center

On View 2/6/26 - 5/10/26

FALL 2026

The Magic House, St. Louis Children's Museum

On View: 9/26/26 - 1/10/27

For information or to reserve, please contact Taylor Ross at 305.373.KIDS (5437) ext. 113 or exhibitsales@miamichildrensmuseum.org.

Click Here for Exhibit Guide

Traveling exhibits provide unique opportunities to introduce your audience to new areas of interest and excitement. Miami Children’s Museum currently partners with other children’s museums, cultural institutions and national organizations to host a variety of traveling exhibitions in the 2,500 square foot “What’s New?” Exhibit Gallery that engages our South Florida audience in subjects such as literacy, science, culture, history, careers and the environment.

Miami Children’s Museum created The Wizard of Oz™ Educational Exhibit, the first-ever licensed traveling educational exhibit based on the classic movie. Created by the Museum and licensed by Warner Bros., the exhibit first debuted in Miami in 2010 and has since traveled throughout the country.

In 2018, the Museum worked in collaboration with Disney Junior to debut the first-ever museum exhibit based on Disney Junior’s hit series, “The Lion Guard.” “The Lion Guard: The Exhibit” gave a fierce farewell back home in Miami from April to May 2024.

red semi circleyellow semi circle

For inquiries on our exhibit rentals, please contact Taylor Ross at 305.373.KIDS (5437) ext. 113 or exhibitsales@miamichildrensmuseum.org.